Thanks for coming…

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It was truly an honor meeting you and your child this evening. Mrs. Stutz will be working with us in the morning and Mrs. Baker will be in the afternoon. Hopefully you had the chance to say hello. I think that we are going to have a great year! I can’t wait to start learning together. Just a few reminders:

  • Please remember to do your homework. If you lost your paper, just bring in an object to share about what you did this summer (the rule is that it has to fit in a sandwich baggie and can only be one thing).
  • If you accidentally took another student’s folder or found one, please return it on Tuesday. We are missing a few.
  • Please return all forms from the folder as soon as possible.
  • If you did not give me your email, please do so as soon as possible.

Thanks again for sharing your children with me!

New Bus Policy

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close-up-1Kindergarteners must ride their assigned bus all year long.  Changes in their bus ride are not allowed.  Please do not send a note or call to ask permission for your child to change busses.  This is specific for kindergarteners and it is Board of Education Policy established for the safety and security of the children.

Grades 1-5 children are allowed to change busses only if it is approved by the Transportation Director.  Parents must submit a BUS PASS to the transportation office by 10:00 am the morning of the transportation change.  Parents will be notified by 1:00 pm if the change is approved or denied.  The Grade 1-5 Bus Pass can be found here.

It’s almost time

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I can’t believe that it is almost time to be back at school. I am getting so excited! I have loved going to the store and seeing all of the school supplies and finding the best bargains as I shop with my children. Let me know if you are having trouble finding anything from our supply list. Please remember to bring gym shoes to school to leave in your child’s locker.

Our Open House will be on August 28th from 6:30-7:30. I am looking forward to seeing all of you! Feel free to bring your child’s school supplies at that time to make the backpack a little lighter on the first day.