Hobby Scavenger Hunt

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Photography is a hobby of mine as is investigating nature. Long ago, I could even develop my own black and white photos at home. I love to spend time walking in the woods, taking pictures of things in nature. It is very relaxing and I often stumble upon some very interesting animals. I like to take my time by walking off of the path and quietly observing flowers, bugs, new growth and animals. There are times when you need to be extremely careful and watch where you step. I almost stepped on this newborn fawn. Did you know that a fawn is born without a scent so that preditors cannot easily locate it? Their cry sounds much like that of a baby. This was one of two fawns that I found during my walk. I also have pictures of a nymph as the dragonfly is hatching. Did you know that in the life cycle of a dragonfly the nymph stage can last for four years?

I hope that you have a wonderful time looking at everyone’s hobbies. Happy Hobby Hunting!

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