Government Test

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We have been learning about Michigan’s government during a portion of our math block. There will be a test on Wednesday, May 31st. A review sheet came home on Friday.

  • Judicial Branch: Supreme Court, Judges, interpret laws
  • Executive Branch: Governor, enforce laws
  • Legislative Branch: Senate, House of Representatives, make laws
  1. Why do we have 3 branches of government and not just one? We have three branches so that no one has too much power.
  2. What is the Constitution? A written plan for government with a list of rights people have.
  3. What is Popular Sovereignty? It is the right to vote to make decisions.
  4. What is the Capital of Michigan? Lansing
  5. How do senators, representatives, and governors get their jobs? They are elected.
  6. What happens if the governor signs a bill? It becomes a law.
  7. What is a veto? If the governor thinks a law is wrong he/she can veto (reject) the law.
  8. We also discussed what the local and state government provides.

Government Review

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We have been learning about Michigan’s government during a portion of our Writing block. There will be a test on Friday, May 22nd. A review sheet came home on Monday.

  • Judicial Branch: Supreme Court, Judges (7), interpret laws
  • Executive Branch: Governor, enforce laws
  • Legislative Branch: Senate (38), House of Representatives (110), make laws
  1. Why do we have 3 branches of government and not just one? We have three branches so that no one has too much power.
  2. What is democracy? It is a form of government in which the power is held by the people when they vote for leaders and laws.
  3. What is Popular Sovereignty? It is the right to vote to make decisions.
  4. What is the Capital of Michigan? Lansing
  5. How do senators, representatives, and governors get their jobs? They are elected.
  6. What happens if the governor signs a bill? It becomes a law.
  7. What is a veto? If the governor thinks a law is wrong he/she can veto (reject) the law.

Government Review

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We are learning about Michigan’s government. Here is the information that will be coming home on a review sheet closer to the assessment. There will be a test on Tuesday, May 13th.

  • Judicial Branch: Supreme Court, Judges (7), interpret laws
  • Executive Branch: Governor, enforce laws
  • Legislative Branch: Senate (38), House of Representatives (110), make laws
  1. Why do we have 3 branches of government and not just one? We have three branches so that no one has too much power.
  2. What is democracy? It is a form of government in which the power is held by the people when they vote for leaders and laws.
  3. What is Popular Sovereignty? It is the right to vote to make decisions.
  4. What is the Capital of Michigan? Lansing
  5. How do senators, representatives, and governors get their jobs? They are elected.
  6. What happens if the governor signs a bill? It becomes a law.
  7. What is a veto? If the governor thinks a law is wrong he/she can veto (reject) the law.