Another Fact Fluency Program…

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In addition to, we have to assist students with practicing their facts (for login information keep reading). It does not matter to me which program that your child uses as long as they are practicing. I have an incentive for them to complete the Xtramath but the other is a great review especially if your child is experiencing some frustration. On Mathfactspro I have most students set at subtraction, but will change it on occasion for extra practice. The links to all the programs that we use are to the right of the screen titled: At Home Links.


  •   MATHFACTSPRO is an online learning program designed to help your child master math facts.
  •   This program serves as our homework – eliminating the need for paper copies – and serving as a history of practice that is accessible to both parents and the teacher.


  •   Every student has his/her own username and password.
  •   Each student’s program is individualized based on the facts needing practice.
  •   Students who know their math facts are more confident math students and have greater success in math.
  •   Online math fact practice is more effective than paper flashcards.  This online program provides immediate    feedback (correct/incorrect) and adjusts the level based on student needs.

How do I log in to MATHFACTSPRO?

  •   Go to and enter your username and password.

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How does my child use MATHFACTSPRO?

  •   After signing in, start practicing.  
  •   The program will stop once your child has gotten 50 facts correct.
  •   Your child will see a chart of their fact progress – and you are able to view this as well.

·   GOAL :  5 minutes of  MATHFACTSPRO or each night:  M, T, W, TH, F

Daily Agenda and Weekly Goal

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We will not be writing in our agendas daily. Please make sure to visit the blog often for important information about what we are learning in class.

Yesterday a Weekly Reading and Fluency Practice paper came home with each student. Daily reading and fact practice are very important to our learning in third grade. The goal is to read for at least 20 minutes and practice math facts for at least 5 minutes 5 days a week. Please write down the amount of time that your child spends reading & practicing facts each day and return the signed form on Monday.
