Writing Homework

Return Composition Book: November 19th

Today your child is coming home with an empty composition book. The goal is to have your child write 10 minutes a night (yes, they can do more if they choose). They will write in a special, quiet place and reflect on an event from the day. You will need to trust that they are doing it and maybe help them by setting a timer. They do not need to share what they wrote with you because some of the pieces aren’t ready to be shared and I promised them that they are writing only for their eyes (but they can share it with others later if they choose).

Things we are learning:

Our lives are made up of not only what happens to us but also our responses to what happens to us. (Add feelings to our stories)
Pay attention to details and write about what you are thinking during the day.
Both readers & writers need to form pictures in their minds. Form a picture in your mind and write about it. Show Don’t Tell!
Stop and Ask, “What was I thinking/feeling?” Give clues that reveal your thoughts and feelings. Add thoughts and feelings in the heart of the story.

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